Wildlife Management
Beautiful to look at and well worth preserving, British wildlife is a benefit to us all.
However, the wrong species in the wrong place can spell disaster for the other wildlife around it and can pose dangers for people and their homes or places of work.
Non-native species, in particular, can cause havoc when left uncontrolled.
For instance, the Grey Squirrel has driven our native Red Squirrel to the verge of extinction, and the Mink is doing untold damage to our hedgerows and fisheries.
Canada Geese flocks have grown to such a size that they out-compete all smaller birds for food and nesting sites.
In the home or workplace Squirrels can chew through electrical wiring and foxes have been known to enter homes thereby posing a threat to families.
At Expel Pest we will not destroy wildlife ‘because it’s there’. Wildlife causing problems such as threats to human safety however is a different matter.
We will be effective and as discreet as possible.
Call 07920 774221 or Contact us for unbiased practical advice on how to solve your problem.