If your main experience of the feral pigeon is of the head bobbing bird in the high street seemingly pecking at nothing then you might not consider it to be much of a pest. If however you have even two of them nesting or roosting at the back of your home or business then you’ll know how unpleasant it can be to have them around.
At Expel Pest we pride ourselves on our knowledge and professionalism, we have many years of experience installing all types of bird proofing on both domestic and commercial buildings.
Solar panels are like magnets to Feral Pigeons, they offer shelter and security along with a high degree of safety for nesting and raising a family. For a pigeon, it’s difficult to find a more attractive home but from our point of view it’s difficult to imagine a less attractive tenant!
Developed in The Netherlands by The Bird Control Group these systems are now available in the UK and can be installed and used to comply with EN 60825-1:2014.
If you have any kind of project planned which involves ground disturbance, at certain times of the year you need to take into account the possibility of ground nesting birds.